the sparkling creative Academy

We're all about helping you shine in your creative calling while running a successful, profitable and thriving creative business.

Yes, I'm in!

You have probably no problem creating your beautiful art, coming up with new ideas, figuring out technical challenges in the studio, working with your hands or in your Adobe programs.

However, when you're honest you kind off avoid one side of your business, the one that is about actually selling the beautiful work you're creating.

You haven't yet fully owned the business aspect of running a sparkling creative business, which means you’re overwhelmed, your financial situation is making you cringe and you have no idea how to do this business thing at all.

Let alone build up a foundation for this creative adventure of yours that would allow you to create the creative lifestyle you've always dreamed of.

Of course that was the initial reason for you to follow your creative passion, but you're afraid to lose your spark through making this business work.

Let me tell you that you have all the solutions right within you! Let’s stop hiding from your own power.

Because you are indeed powerful. You're brave. You absolutely can do and achieve whatever you put your mind too. You have a good heart. A strong soul. You are worthy of everything you desire. You are enough. You are perfect the way you are!

You are the magic you're searching for! Everything you're looking for is right there.

Inside of you is the drive, tenacity, determination, grace, ease, flow, and fire you need.

You can turn that power into whatever you like.
Even the creative life of your dreams. If this is what you want.

Well, here at the sparkling creative we've got you covered, helping you embrace your inner guide.

We're all about helping you shine in your creative calling while running a successful, profitable and thriving creative business.

The sparkling creative Academy is a place for all creatives that don't want to settle into the starving artist myth, creatives that refuse to stop creating the work they're called to do, people who are ready to get this business beast under control for good.

We've got everything you need!


A community full of sparkling creatives all working on their creative dream.

You'll receive all the business training you need to start, run and grow this adventure of yours.

We'll help you overcome those mindset hurdles that are holding you back, so you can show your inner sparkle unapologetically.

We'll hold your hand while you discover the harsh truth of your financial situation and help you make a plan to turn the current situation into financial abundance.

We're there to be your cheerleader, the mirror you need to reflect, the guides you’ll need when your inner guide is taking a day off, we’ll be celebrating every win small or big with you.

How do you know the Academy is a good fit?

  • You've already started your creative business, but you're struggling to sell.

  • You're overwhelmed by all the things you're supposed to do, but you just can't figure out where to start.

  • You know what you want to achieve, but have no idea how to get there.

  • You haven't yet started this creative adventure of yours, but you're ready to jump.

  • You need someone that is happy to kick your butt, so you're actually applying all the knowledge and plans you've created, but never executed.

  • You're a true action taker and seek the guidance of a coach that can give you a step by step plan to get you where you want.

What's included:

1. We'll take you through a full-blown business assessment.

Which means we'll take a look at every single part of your business the financials, your studio organization, the legal stuff, your website, your client service, your products, .... plus of course your big goals for the future.

This isn't meant to intimidate you, but it's a great start to discover where you're at and what you need to do to turn those dreams of yours into a reality. Plus as your business coach, I need to know in detail where you're at so I can support you in the right way for your circumstances.

2. You'll be starting and ending your time in the Academy with a 30 minute 1-1 call with me.

During the call, we'll create a personalized action plan for your time in the Academy and after. We'll make sure you have a step by step plan that you can follow.

3. Once a month you'll be part of our focus calls.

In those calls, we're determining your priorities for the upcoming month, what you want to achieve and what you need to learn to do so. Plus I'm checking in on your progress and if necessary kick your butt.

4. You'll receive my weekly mind-set love letters.

Your mind-set is the most important thing when it comes to growing your creative passion into a successful business. That's why we'll focus on elevating your thoughts every single day. I'll be sharing my favorite affirmations, journal prompts and motivational thoughts with you. Plus we'll discuss your insights in our facebook group together.

5. You'll be part of our monthly Q'nA calls.

The calls are meant to give you the opportunity to ask me all your business and mindset questions. Don't worry if you can't make it live; you can always submit your questions before the call and watch the replay of the session.

6. You'll be paired up with an accountability partner.

Every week the both of you will have a short 20-minute call where you check in with each other, report about your wins, the progress you've made and what you're committing to do in the upcoming week. Your accountability partner is the one kicking your butt on a weekly basis; she's giving you some tough love when necessary and cheerleading you through the highs and lows.

7. You'll have access to all my training courses.

Including our monthly 'sparkling creative workshops' (worth 564$), 'How to get paid as an creative! Online marketing that sells without selling your soul.' (worth 950)$ and 'Create your website with ease! How to plan and build your website step by step, on Squarespace.' (worth 290$).

8. You'll get access to the tech vault.

Which is the sparkling creative tech library, the place where I store the ever growing amount of tech training I create for our members. You'll probably find all the tech training you need to start, grow and scale your creative business. However I'm always adding more tutorials, so don't hesitate, let me know what you're searching for. (worth 290$)

9. You become part of our Academy Facebook community.

Our private Facebook group where you can ask your questions, get inspiration, get support form your peers and build up long-lasting friendships with fellow creatives.

10. Regular reviews of your materials.

I'll be there for you looking through all the things your creating for the business side of your creative adventure, marketing materials, your website, pitches your sending out, ... what ever it is I'll take a look at it and give you advice on how to approve it.

When do we start and how can I join?

You'll join in the group together with all new Academy members at the beginning of each month. This means that you'll then be added to the community and invited to join our calls.

However before you enter the group, we'll get you all set up with a full-blown business assessment, a 1-1 call with me and we're giving you access to all the course materials, which means we'll get you started as soon as you’re ready. Only your actual 6 month Academy time will begin with the first of the month after you've begun your payments.

At the end of our 6 month together you'll have...

a sparkling creative business

Even though I can't promise you a certain amount of money coming in, I can tell you if you do the work, use the advice your getting and take massive action you will see big results! Results that match your vision of a sparkling creative business, because I know their isn't one size fits all.

a plan, focus & clarity

Big part of achieving your big goals is to know what you want, focusing on it and creating a step by step plan to get there. We'll make sure you create those plans, get the clarity and focus to know what to do when and how. The plan your creating is not only for your time during the Academy, but also for all the greatness that will happen afterwards.

collaborations & friends

During your time in the Academy you'll be surrounded by sparkling creatives that are on the same path as you are. You'll be reaching out to fellow creatives your admiring, business that you could collaborate with and start being out in the world, so there is no chance you're going to end up all alone without new friends and collaborators to cheer you on.

What we can help you achieve:

You'll be joining the Academy for six months at a time, which means you have plenty of time to focus on your goals. So here a few things we can help you achieve...

  • Creating and launching your website, online shop, podcast,...
  • getting money in the door
  • setting up a clear marketing plan
  • creating funnels
  • putting systems and automation in place
  • growing your community
  • growing a team
  • leveraging video and audio in your business
  • setting up a structured order fulfillment center in your studio
  • becoming visible in your creative field
  • getting routines and structure into your work day
  • and so much more!!!

For whom is the Academy designed for?

‘The Aspiring Artist'

You know what you want to create, but you’re entirely new to the creative world.

You know you want to make a living as a creative, but you need some guidance to find your spot in the creative jungle.

‘The Creative Power House'

You’re already a professional creative, you have experience with the creative environment, but you struggle making a living.

You want to live your dreams, without wondering how to pay the rent next month.

‘The Free Spirit’

You have no idea how to manage the tech side of your creative adventure, but you do know that you should probably learn how to handle all the digital stuff.

‘The Creative Super Hero'

You’re amazing in collecting all the knowledge you need and setting up a plan to accomplish your goals, but you never actually do what you’ve planned.

Who the heck I am:

I'm a painter, formally trained in fine arts, living my creative dream.

This dream I live is something I've always known possible, even though at times it seemed far, far out of reach, sometimes even impossible.

Somewhere on this journey as an artist, I discovered that I was not only a passionate artist but also a marketer, a business lover, a true entrepreneur, but also a lover off the woo woo.

In the beginning, I fought the urge to bring all my passions together, however at a certain point I realised how perfect those passions go along.

Yes, I've always had some creatives tell me that art, a spiritual practice and business won't get together, but I never stopped believing they would.

Since starting out on this crazy creative journey,

I've started to dreaming about a world where you won't get asked how you’re able to make a living if you tell someone you’re an artist, designer, stylist...

I'm dreaming of a world where the starving artist isn't even a memory of the past.

I do believe that it is possible for every creative to make a living from their passion!

The only thing we need to realize is that we'll have to leave those ancient doubts behind us and start to open up to see us as creative entrepreneurs.

We won't have to change what it is where creating; we just need to add in some simple yet effective business strategies and mindset.

You have questions, I have answers:

I'm not making any money yet and the investment scares me!

Should I take the leap and join the Academy anyways?

I don't recommend that you spend your last few dollars on any program out there!

However when learning and implementing the strategies I teach you in the Academy and utelizing all the support you will be able to see results within the next few months.

I can't promise you that you will make a certain amount of money, however my students and I use the systems and lessons successfully.

If you implement your new knowledge right away and you’re ready to do the work,the Academy can definitely help you start making money soon!

What if I'm just starting out online?

The Academy is designed to help you from start to finish no matter where you’re at in your journey as a creative entrepreneur.

You won't need to have any knowledge about running a creative business, if you have that’s not a bad thing either!

It is, however, beneficial to know your craft when joining the program.

If you have no idea yet, you might want to figure that out first befor joing the Academy.

How do I get access to the Academy?

During the sign up process, you generate your own login name and password for our membership-site, where you'll be able to login and access all the training materials.

If you’re already a member of one of our courses, for example our free mini course, you will be able to login with the login name and password you already created.

All the information for our monthly focus calls and other live events will come directly into your inbox. All calls are hosted via Zoom, which means you can just join us through clicking a link, all you need is a phone or computer.

What if I'm just starting out as a creative?

That's completely fine.

The only thing you need to know is that the program is designed for creatives that already have a healthy creative process. So if you’re still figuring out what it is you want to create than this program might not be the right fit for you.

How much time do I need to commit to the program?

You can go as fast or slow as you would like.

However if you want to join us live you'll have to put our monthly focus call and Q'NA session into your calendar.

Of course if you have days where you can't do the live call, it's not an issue at all!

If you’re not able to join in with the rest of us live, or you find yourself just a little behind, you'll be able to catch up on all of our calls through the replays.

What if I'm a professional creative for a long time already?

During the program we will focus on mind set, marketing and the overall business side of things. We'll keep you accountable to take action and stay focus on your business goals.

Having experience in the creative field will benefit you, even though it won't be the focus of this program and won't make you succed any better.

It's all about taking action.

Are there requirements to join the Academy?

You absolutely need to know what you’re creating!

What's your creative product or service? What are you offering?

When you don't know yet what you’re creating and when you’re still searching for the right medium, this program is not the right fit for you.

The most important requirement is that you need to be willing to do the work. If you implement the knowledge I'm teaching you, you will see results, but not without doing the work.

I can't help you make money out of thin air, so you will have to do the work in order to become the sparkling creative of your dreams.

I've got even more questions, how can I contact you?

I would love to hear from you, send me an email at [email protected].

Need to convince your partner before you can join the Academy?

No worries I get it, you're in this together.

At this point in your creative journey joining the Academy might be the most significant investment you've ever made in your creative business.

However investing in your business education, surrounding yourself with like minded people and getting the support you need from people that know to walk the walk can be the breaking point for your creative business.

I don't say you can't do it alone, you most certainly can! Even though the journey that you'll be one might be way harder than it could be, a tad bit more lonely and a bit scarier too.

I'm genuinely open to answer your questions, and of course, the questions of your partner when it comes to joining the Academy so don't hesitate to bring him/her on when you have a conversation with me.

My husband was kind of worried when I started to invest in a business coach and group programs. However, when he looks back now, he knows how valuable those experiences were to the growth of my creative business.